Expanding Ministry Offering

Last year for our Expanding Ministry Offering we gave $1,000,000 away to our Global Partners! This year, our EMO is focused on our Love McLean County vision with a Next Generation focus. If we match or exceed last year’s offerings we will be able to accomplish the following 6 projects:

  • Provide the initial 2-3 years of ministry funding for the YMCA  
  • Help Launch the Chenoa Campus and reach families in and around that community
  • Partner with Encounter Ministry on the ISU campus and help double their impact in the next 5 years
  • Help launch the Preaching Institute next fall with 15 initial preaching residents
  • Provide 250 – 500 students with a full or partial scholarships to summer camp
  • Support 4-5 projects through En Lace in El Salvador as we send teams down to do community projects in cooperation with local churches 


We believe God wants us to move forward on these projects by faith through our generosity!

We ask you to participate in the offering by doing the following three things:

  1. Pray over a number to give as an offering to God
  2. Sacrifice something (coffee, movies, eating out, etc.) to add to your offering
  3. Pray for a miracle. That God would provide and unexpected source of income (financial gift, a bonus, a refund, you get the idea) to add to your offering


You can give online beginning December 18 through December 31 or bring your offering clearly marked “Expanding Ministry Offering” to one of the services on December 18, 23, or 24.

Give Online Here
Date / Time