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Sundays (Follow)

Matthew 18:20, Acts 2:42, Colossians 3:16

Our Sunday services are weekly opportunities for students to interact with others and hear the livable reality of the gospel through Biblical teaching and music. Our worship times serve to bring glory to God and encourage the faith of those who attend.

Small Groups (Love)

Hebrews 10:24-25,
1 John 4:11-12

In an ever-changing world, having a group of like-minded friends, who love the Lord, is essential. Our small group leaders are the rockstars of Eastview Students and help create a safe atmosphere where students can share their triumphs and heartaches.

Serving (Witness)

1 Samuel 12:24, 1 Peter 4:10, Galatians 6:10

We believe that students are more than just the future church, they are the church right now. Our serving teams allow students the opportunity to share their faith and build into the body of Christ.

Life in Phases

Next Gen Podcast. Join Junior High Pastor Matt McClane & Emilee Wiggs for insightful and encouraging conversations twice a month. Every life is lived in unique phases we all have to navigate through. They’ll discuss the phase of life you’re in while equipping you to understand others in a different phase.


More Than Chaos

Junior High Life can be Chaotic. We believe that it can be so much more than that. This podcast is directed towards parents of Junior High students, as they try to sort through the chaos, to help their kids experience so much more.


High School

Discover bi-weekly "Counterculture" discussions, where pastors Zach Thompson and Cooper Smith tackle relevant and cultural issues that high schoolers are dealing with. In addition, discover weekly sermons from our Sunday morning services from pastors Zach, Matt McClane, and more!


Family Resources

We believe God designed the home to be the primary place for discipleship in a child’s life. It is our privilege to come alongside you as you raise your child in the ways of the Lord. We offer this Family Ministry Map as a guide to help you raise your child one step at a time.

Family Resources

Family Webinars

Check out our archive of Eastview hosted webinars. Upcoming webinars are always being added.

Family Webinars

Parent Cue

Parents, grandparents, and guardians often don’t give themselves enough credit for the remarkable job they are doing in raising kids to become good humans. Your parenting style might not be for everyone, and that’s okay. At Parent Cue, our goal is simply to cue you with what you need when you need it, so you can be the parent you want to be.

Parent Cue

Facebook Groups

Parents, join our Facebook Group to stay involved and up to date on all things Students.

Junior High
High School