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Care Appointments & Counseling

While our pastors are available for your spiritual questions and emotional support through Care Appointments, we recognize that professional Christian counseling is a valuable help for addressing chronic mental health concerns like depression, anxiety, addiction, abuse, chronic relational difficulties, and trauma.

We want to help people connect to Christian Counselors when professional services are needed for healing and growth. This list includes local professionals who may be available.

Referral List

Hospital Visits

Times of hospitalization, medical procedures, and terminal illnesses can be lonely and anxious experiences. At Eastview, our pastors want to be available to pray with you and offer support or encouragement when you or a loved one are in the hospital. We make visits to local hospitals on Mondays-Thursdays.

If you would like your church family to connect with you while you are in the hospital, please email our receptionist or call us at 309-451-5000.

Email Us

Visiting Ministry

Older age brings on limited physical abilities that impact connection to the church family. We value our senior members and would like to make visits when we know visits are requested. We have a small team of volunteers who enjoy connecting with seniors and would love to make you or your loved one’s acquaintance.

Email Us

Celebrate Recovery

Do you have a hurt, habit, or hang-up? Celebrate Recovery could be just what you are looking for. Join us on Monday nights at our Bloomington Campus, 401 Union St. Doors open at 5:30pm – Program is from 6-8pm. Free childcare is available if needed. No advance registration needed unless you are bringing children. 

More Info

Funeral Services

For information about funeral services at Eastview please visit our funeral resources page.