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New Here?

We'd love to meet you! On Sunday go to our Eastview Kids Guest Service stations to get your children signed up for their areas! To speed up the process, you can fill out our pre-registration form so we have your information in the system when you arrive. Just stop by Guest Services and we'll print your tags and help you find your way! Call us if you have questions or want to talk to someone first! You can reach us at 309-451-5000 or by email.

Family Pre-Registration

Special Needs

Our ministry helps individuals with special needs and their families know God in meaningful ways and experience the ridiculous love of Christ. It is important that individuals with disabilities be included in the life of Eastview! They offer a special dimension to worship. Eastview welcomes all individuals as people of God with gifts and talents to share. Their unique needs also must be acknowledged, so they too can enjoy full accessibility to the love of Christ.

Learn More

Serve With Us

God has created you to serve!  Thank you for your willingness to take this next step of getting involved with Eastview Kids and partnering with hundreds of other volunteers to make this the best hour of our children's week.  Take a look at the serving opportunities by clicking on the button below.  Let us know if you have any questions by emailing us at .

Serve Opportunities

Teaching Videos

Early Childhood
