Elder Update June 9, 2023

Jun 09, 2023

The elders want to thank everyone on the Eastview staff, our volunteer leaders, our volunteers, and everyone in our church family for participating in the many meetings that were scheduled this past week. We are grateful that our church has had the opportunity to hear directly from Kellye Fabian Story regarding Wagenmaker & Oberly’s investigative process, the contents of the report, and W&O’s recommendations for corrective actions. The ELT is taking each recommendation very seriously, and we welcome W&O’s ongoing engagement to address each one. There is much to be done, and we will not pursue this work in isolation. We will continue to work alongside ECC’s Executive Leadership/Advisory team and the outside coaching team that has advised ECC’s leadership since early March. Now that the report is published, we understand that many of us want solutions to be implemented quickly. Some solutions, like revising governance policies, will be more straightforward; other important changes, like reshaping culture, will come more slowly. We are deeply grateful that W&O will remain engaged with Eastview’s restorative journey. As we progress, we will continue to post regular updates to keep ECC’s family and staff informed.

We continue to be amazed at the ministry and life change that happens here--made possible through loving and serving Christ. Please continue to pray that we look to Christ, and him alone, as our shepherd and guide.