Elder Updates

Elder Update April 18, 2023

Apr 18, 2023

The investigation is ongoing with interviews continuing this week. As the investigation continues, the Elder team will post weekly updates here every Friday.

Elder Update April 4, 2023

Apr 04, 2023

In an effort to aid the healing of those who have been directly impacted by what is being investigated, we have made agreements with counselors in our community to pay for counseling services. We have selected counselors who are not associated with Eastview membership and invoices for payment will not disclose identities. We will provide 6-12 sessions initially and if any more sessions are needed we will provide more based on the counselors request through December 2023.

Counseling services will be made available to persons impacted by Caleb Baker during the period of time being investigated and for previous staff negatively...

Elder Update March 19, 2023

Mar 19, 2023

The third-party investigators are in the process of collecting documents relevant to the investigation. ECC is voluntarily cooperating in this process and will continue to do so. The third party is setting up interviews with individuals who have come forward with relevant information, and those interviews may be done in person, via video, or via phone call. Anyone with relevant information who would like to meet with the investigator should email info@wagenmakerlaw.com by March 31.

In addition, we want to be clear that even though Wagenmaker & Oberly is a law firm, ECC has not retained them in a...

ELT Third Party Audit Selection Process

Mar 11, 2023

In the past two weeks, the Elder Leadership Team (ELT) was faced with the task of evaluating and selecting a third-party audit firm to conduct the audit/investigation as outlined in our previous communication.  In making that decision, there were several criteria that we felt were necessary: 

  • High recommendations from churches/other NFPs that have had need for similar help 
  • Ability to conduct the audit/investigation in an immediate and timely fashion if possible 
  • Trauma informed approach toward investigation
  • Willingness to not only conduct restorative justice work...

Elder Update March 5, 2023

Mar 05, 2023

Eastview Christian Church has contracted Wagenmaker & Oberly, a trauma informed third-party investigation team to lead our investigation. To provide a clear and safe path for victims to communicate directly and without the involvement of Eastview’s leadership or Elders you may report an instance of abuse or concerns related to abuse to the investigative team at: info@wagenmakerlaw.com. However, we will continue to maintain a direct line of communication to the elder team at: eastviewelders@eastview.church for anyone that wants to make their concern known to the elders. Please know that the elders will share all email communication regarding allegations...

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